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库斯基亚拘留营位于爱达荷州中北部的一个偏远地区,是一个鲜为人知的、几乎被遗忘的二战拘留设施, 30 miles from the town of Kooskia, and 6 miles east of the hamlet of Lowell, at Canyon Creek. The Kooskia 拘留 Camp was administered by the U.S. 美国移民归化局(INS.S. Department of Justice. 它关押着日本血统的人,他们被称为“敌方外国人”," even though most of them were long-time U.S. residents, denied naturalization by racist U.S. 法律.

Immediately following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, numerous Japanese, 德国和意大利的外国人在没有具体理由的情况下被逮捕和拘留, without the due process guaranteed to them by the U.S. 宪法, and were sent to INS detention camps at Fort Missoula, 蒙大拿; Bismarck, North Dakota; and elsewhere. 移民服务处的营地与战争重新安置管理局(WRA)监管下的10个主要营地是分开的. The WRA camps, 包括杰罗姆附近的米尼多卡(现在的米尼多卡国家历史遗址), in southern 爱达荷州, housed some 120,000名美国公民和日本血统的永久居民被违宪地驱逐出境, relocated and imprisoned by the U.S. government during World War II.

尽管在二战期间,美国各地有许多司法部的拘留营, 库斯基亚拘留营是独一无二的,因为它是美国唯一的同类集中营. 这里的囚犯是自愿从其他集中营来到这里的,他们的工作得到了工资. A total of some 265 male Japanese citizens; 24 male and 3 female Euroamerican civilian employees; 2 male internee doctors, one Italian and one German; and 1 male Japanese American interpreter occupied the Kooskia 拘留 Camp at various times between May 1943 and May 1945. Although some of the internees held camp jobs, 大多数人都是刘易斯顿之间现在的12号高速公路部分的建筑工人, 爱达荷州, and Missoula, 蒙大拿, parallel to the wild and scenic Lochsa River.

库斯基亚集中营的日本囚犯来自阿拉斯加, 加州, 科罗拉多州, 康涅狄格, 佛罗里达, 夏威夷, 爱达荷州, 伊利诺斯州, 肯塔基州, 路易斯安那州, 马里兰, Massachusetts, 明尼苏达州, 蒙大拿, 内华达, 新泽西, 纽约, 俄亥俄州, 俄勒冈州, 宾西法尼亚, 德州, Utah and Washington. They included Reverend Hozen Seki, founder of the 纽约 Buddhist Church; Toraichi Kono, former employee of Charlie Chaplin; and Japanese Latin Americans kidnapped from their respective countries, 主要是秘鲁, 通过U.S. government agencies. "Digging in the documents" has produced INS, Forest Service, Border Patrol, 以及bet365亚洲官网的照片和其他记录. 这些, 结合实习生和员工的口头和书面面试, illuminate the internees' experiences, 强调被关押在库斯基亚拘留营的人的观点.

库斯基亚拘留营项目的部分资金由爱达荷州人文委员会研究奖学金和联邦公民自由公共教育基金(CLPEF). CLPEF是由1988年的《365bet中文》授权的, 向被违宪疏散的日本裔公民和永久居民赔礼道歉和赔偿, relocated and interned during World War II. 该法还规定设立公民自由公共教育基金, 资助向公众通报拘留情况的努力,以防止类似事件再次发生. Wegars' report to the CLPEF is entitled, “一个真正的男子汉的工作:”日本被拘留者和库斯基亚拘留营, 爱达荷州, 1943-1945,强调库斯基亚被拘留者的观点. Although no more copies of that report are available, it has been excerpted for several publications, you may purchase the book 被囚禁在天堂:二战期间被关押在库斯基亚拘留营的日本道路工人,和 PowerPoint lecture has been presented to numerous public groups. 维加斯还获得了加州公民自由公共教育项目(CCLPEP)的资助。, a product of the 加州 State Library. That project was 金州与宝石州:1943-1945年,爱达荷州库斯基亚拘留营的加利福尼亚人; some 82 of the Kooskia internees (31 percent) had ties to 加州. In connection with that grant, 2002年初,我们在加州的一些地方做了幻灯片演示.

For further reading, Wegars' essay, “爱达荷州库斯基亚拘留营的日本人和日裔拉丁美洲人,出现在 Guilt by Association: Essays on Japanese Settlement, 拘留, and Relocation in the Rocky Mountain West, Mike Mackey, editor, pp. 145-183(鲍威尔,WY:西方历史出版社,2001). 看到一个 brief trailer for the documentary film Toraichi Kono: Living in Silence科诺Toraichi Kono是前喜剧演员查理·卓别林(Charlie Chaplin)的前雇员. The Densho Encyclopedia contains an entry on Kooskia以及其他二战拘留设施和监禁营的记录.

Additional Information

Priscilla Wegars 有兴趣与前库斯基亚拘留营的被拘留者和雇员交流吗, or their descendants, in order to interview them. She is also eager to locate additional letters, 日记, 与库斯基亚拘留营经历有关的照片或其他文件. She would also enjoy hearing from any man, or descendants of any man, 谁曾在CCC F-38营或谁曾被监禁或在联邦监狱No营工作. 11 at Canyon Creek.

1944年5月25日,库斯基亚集中营周年纪念野餐. 图片由米奇·巴顿和bet365亚洲官网亚裔美国人比较收藏提供. 照片中的15名日本男子(大致从左到右):桥本宗一, Tomosaburo Kato (front), Naokichi (George) Kobayashi, Goro Mochizuki, Ichita Yoshida, Haruyuki Nagamine, Tatsuo (Jumbo) Nishimura, Yoneji Imamura, 木田元一(中间树的右边几乎看不见), Hisashi Imamura, Riichi Kinugawa, Seisaburo Yogi, Eiichi Morita, Masashi Yamamoto (a.k.a. Chiyogi Okamoto), and Keiji Kijima. 照片中的4名欧洲裔美国人是:左上居中, 米特巴顿, power shovel operator; to the right of Barton is Ralph Wilhite, head mechanic; squatting, 右下, is Merrill Scott, Camp Superintendent (he replaced D. A. Remer beginning in late 1943); above Scott, facing away from camera, is Hans Werner Kempski, then the camp's German internee doctor.

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